
Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Hello there! My name is Jami and I want to encourage you in living intentionally for the Lord in your home. We discuss everything here: theology, cooking, baking, running your house in a joyful way, and so much more. Join us for more joy and peace and less stress and anxiety in your home!

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Finally got some big news for you on our Fall shop!!

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, Thank you so much for everyone’s prayers this week! 🥰 It’s been one week since we welcomed baby #8 into our family. He was 6lbs9oz at birth and is already back up to birth weight! 🙌 Our sweet Radley Knox really hasn’t known a moment without being in someone’s arms since he was born! Between Jason and myself, Jason’s mom staying here with us, and 7 eager older siblings, there’s always someone in line who wants to hold him! He was...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, The final countdown is on. We will be welcoming baby #8 in just 3 days 😱 It's amazing that no matter how many times we do this, the final weeks and days are always the same. So excited to meet this new little one but also nervous for the actual birth! I am feeling SO completely ready and at the same time, not at all ready 😂 So I'm pushing aside the fear and nervousness of the c-section and instead focusing on my very long to do list...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, If you missed the news, our Fall Shop Opening is HERE!! We are releasing five new books, a brand new slow cooker cookbook, and a our Fall collection of dresses is here. The response to this fall shop opening has already been tremendous - thank you!! You guys are so excited for this brand new cookbook. But today I wanted to pop in and let you know a little bit more about our dresses in our fall collection. For a year now, we've been...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, The past few weeks I've been sharing my cooking routine on Instagram. I've been making slow cooker recipes like mad as I was getting all the final pictures I needed for my new cookbook. The responses I got to my slow cooking shocked me though! 😱 Some of the comments I got included: “I got rid of my slow cooker because I never used it” or“Is another appliance really helpful? I’ve never owned one!” or“Most slow cooker recipes I find...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, I'm popping in today to let you know two very important things: 1) Our special 20% off sale is ending TONIGHT and 2) Our schedule of new releases this month you'll want to know about! In March, Jason and I released our biggest project ever: The Joyul Home App/website! It contains hundreds of resources for the entire family and has been such a blast. We've developed an incredible app for this new project that you can download for...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, I wrote an IG post exactly 3 years ago today on July 31, 2021. The last 4 years have been so exhausting. But WHAT a good reminder that no matter what is going on in the world, life continues on and we can refuse to let it steal our joy within our homes 💕 Here's what I shared which is just as apt today: Jason and I were recently discussing the destruction that younger generations are facing with social media.The same pressure just...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, Phew! This has been such a fun week. If you missed the news: We are in the middle of our Joyful Home Celebration!! Each day for 14 days, we are releasing something new into our Joyful Home App/Website. (With the Joyful Home, you pay one low fee to get access to EVERYTHING we do here: eBooks, Audiobooks, courses, conferences, and more!!) So far this week we've released Anne of Green Gables book #1 on audio AND the first 4 chapters of...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, The world has been a litttttle crazy the past month. Well okay, the past 4 years. But I don’t know about you, but taking in too much news, media, and influencers makes me feel distracted frazzled and I end up not caring for my home well. Being too connected today can damage our ability to care for the people in our homes and the very real responsibilities we face day in and day out. I’ve been working really hard this year to keep my...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, What an exciting week it's been! Thank you to everyone who has already preordered one of our new upcoming books. These preorders help us out SO much more than you'll ever know. We have FIVE new books for preorder and they have all been so much fun to write. Here's what you can snag. When you preorder by tonight, you'll also get the eBook AND the audiobook versions for FREE (which will be sent out long before the print versions are...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, This has been such an exciting week! In my last email, I told you all about my brand new book coming out this summer A Christian's Guide to Natural Living. Read that email here for more details! But the other very exciting news is that I have two more books available for preorder. While my natural living book is a full length non-fiction book, these two new other books are a bit different. These two books are the first in a brand...