Celebrating a Joyful Home (BIG BIG NEWS)!!

Finding Joy in Your Home


Hey Reader,

The world has been a litttttle crazy the past month. Well okay, the past 4 years. But I don’t know about you, but taking in too much news, media, and influencers makes me feel distracted frazzled and I end up not caring for my home well.

Being too connected today can damage our ability to care for the people in our homes and the very real responsibilities we face day in and day out.

I’ve been working really hard this year to keep my brain as un-fractured as possible. For me, this means a few things:

  1. Trying not to multi-task with electronics (no watching & scrolling at the same time)
  2. Sundays are totally screen free for our family
  3. After 9pm, I put my phone on airplane mode and put it out of my reach
  4. Only following those on social media who are encouraging to me in this season of life
  5. Being very particular about what I consume online today

Now, this last point might be the most important of all. I have to say, I am incredibly thankful for the internet. It’s leads me to discover and learn so many incredible skills in my home and encouragement in my life. I am so thankful for online teachers and the right type of “influencer” to learn from.

But we must be wise in who we learn from and how we are spending our time online. In the noise of Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and more, it’s very easy to try to hop on for some good encouragement…but end up getting bogged down with all the noise, discouragement, and doom and gloom.

At the end of the day, I want to be a better wife, mom, and homemaker and to create a productive, joyful, Biblical home. And I know many of you have those same goals.

That’s why, Jason and I have worked tirelessly the past few years to create those productive household materials that are not wrapped up in IG or YouTube (as helpful as those can be sometimes).

In March of this year, we revealed the largest project we’ve ever worked on: We launched our own app! This is a really big deal and not something that is even remotely easy to pull off.

Jason’s been plugging away at filling that app with all of our incredible content (books, audiobooks, courses, conferences, videos, and more) going all the way back to 2014. But we have also had quite a busy Spring and early Summer (going to Cali for a funeral, moving in June, renovating our RV to move into, etc).

Well, things are finally quieting down and Jason’s back at making BIG HUGE changes on the app. I have never ever been so excited for a resource before in my life!

The Joyful Home App is a one of a kind resource for the whole family!

I know many of you have been members with us for months (thanks!!) but today I am excited to announce a relaunch of sorts of the app.

Nothing drastic is changing, other than we have an absolutely incredible line up of new items coming to the app. We are celebrating all month long our Joyful Home App

With 14 days of celebrating! Watch every single day for the next 14 days as we release something new to the app (with some really fun surprises coming)!!

Here's our brand new line up that's coming to the App:

  • Day #1 (TODAY!!): Anne of Green Gables Audiobook (And Growing a Garden Kids Class)
  • Day #2: First 4 chapters of A Christian’s Guide to Natural Living
  • Day #3: SURPRISE #1!
  • Day #4: Crafting a Healthy Home Online Conference Videos
  • Day #5: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Audiobook
  • Day #6: Refresh Your Routines Course
  • Day #7: Encouragement For the Homeschool Mom Conference Videos
  • Day #8: SURPRISE #2!!

And this is just 8 of the 14 days, stay tuned for ALL the amazing things coming this month and surprise announcements for what’s coming out this Fall!

Listen to book #1 of Anne of Green Gables (I recorded the audio for it and had a BLAST) today on the app!


We are sunsetting our discount for the annual plan! Right now, you can join our app for $12.99 a month or $129.99 a month. You can use coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 for 20% off the LIFETIME of your subscription! 😱

This means you can join us for just $10.39 a month, and that discount renews each and every month you stay a subscriber (you can totally cancel at anytime)! OR use the coupon to join for a year for $103.99 (which is the equivalent of just $8.66 per year (and YES, that coupon will apply next year too if you want to renew next year)!

As you can tell, that annual plan with a stackable 20% off coupon is such a good price. In fact, it’s a bit too low for us to sustain. So we are giving you one last hurrah during our Joyful Home Celebrating to use that 20% off on either a monthly account or an annual!

USE coupon code: JOYFULHOME20 for 20% off the monthly or annual plan this month only!! Hurry before we sunset that 20% off for annual plans!

Count down to 2024-07-27T03:45:00.000Z

So what exactly IS the Joyful Home App?

If this is your first time hearing about our new app, let me give you a brief overview. We’ve built a brand new website, The Joyful Home, which you can access via a web browser OR download the iPhone, iPad, or Android apps.

We are putting everything from our Finding Joy in Your Home Business! ALL of our past conferences, courses, ebooks, Audiobooks dating back to 2014. It contains literally thousands of dollars of resources. But moving forward, it will also house all of our exclusive NEW content (of which we have so many exciting things planned)!

You can hop over and poke around the website or download the app to see how to it works here: JoyfulHomeApp.com

Your account is accessible across devices. So you can log in on your web browser, your husband can sign in on his Android app, and your kids can listen to audiobooks via their iPad app - all with ONE account!!

If you have any questions about how the Joyful Home App works, just hit REPLY on this email and let us know!! I’ll be back tomorrow to share my brand new book, A Christian’s Guide to Natural Living will be on the app. As of tomorrow, you will be able to listen to the first 4 chapters (while we wrap up the recording of the other chapters)!

in Chirst,

Jami & Jason and our entire family!!

(If you don't know, this business is my husband Jason's full time job and supports our family full time! Every single order means the absolute world to us!!)

PO Box 911 7310 STATE HIGHWAY 49, Lotus, ca 95651
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Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Hello there! My name is Jami and I want to encourage you in living intentionally for the Lord in your home. We discuss everything here: theology, cooking, baking, running your house in a joyful way, and so much more. Join us for more joy and peace and less stress and anxiety in your home!

Read more from Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

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