I will soon by revamping my cooking & meal planning, wanna join me? {Weekly Newsletter}

Finding Joy in Your Home


Hey Reader,

We have T-minus 12 days until we move out of our house and into our new (to us) 43 foot fifth wheel RV! We are soo excited for this next step as a family (as soon as we can get past all this packing)!

But one big thing I'll need to adjust over the summer is cooking in a small kitchen again. I've learned that ANY life adjustment, a big move, a new baby, a different job, switching schools, etc can lead to times of having your kitchen thrown off.

I'm already anticipating the big change coming for us this summer. But with rising food costs and wanting to make healthy food for my family (and being 27 weeks pregnant), I need to do this in a smart way.

So over the next few weeks, I will be diving back into my meal planning processes and building my kitchen back up from the ground.

Want to join me in this process?

Tomorrow I'll be back to share a FREE masterclass I have coming up in July. I will be sharing the whole process I'm doing for revamping my kitchen this summer.

I know you have a lot going on right now. But there is NO time like the present to fix your kitchen. Whether you have a big life change going on like us, or you just need to get back on top of things, you are going to love this free class (announcement and sign ups coming tomorrow for this free class)!

For now, start thinking through which parts of your kitchen, cooking, and meal planning you really need help with (i.e. grocery budget, cooking healthier, etc) so we can cover that during our free masterclass!

Annnd we need your help!!

Because we are moving in just 12 days, we have some final inventory from our bookstore we need to clear out. We will be restocking everything towards Christmas, so this is your last chance for a while to snag two of our cookbooks.

You can check out our warehouse clearout here!

We will keep orders open until Friday June 21st!

Count down to 2024-06-22T03:45:00.000Z

You have NO idea what a financial and storage blessing this would be to get this inventory cleaned out this week. Jason is glued to his shipping area all week getting caught up on ALL shop orders 🙌 So watch for shipping notifications to hit your inbox!

Here's what we need to clear out:

Newest Podcast Episodes!

We have had some really great podcast episodes and interviews over the past few weeks. Make sure you get caught up on all the new shows:

  • Jami's moving tips & encouragement for busy seasons - S3, E48 Listen in here
  • Strategically thinking through technology use in your home with Erin Loechner – S3, E47 Listen in here
  • How to get started homeschooling & encouragement for everyone! with Monica Swanson – S3, E46 Listen in here
  • Prepping food that your family loves with Julie Evink – S3, E45 Listen in here

Thanks for being part of this amazing community!!

in Christ,

Jami & Jason Balmet

PO Box 911 7310 STATE HIGHWAY 49, Lotus, ca 95651
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Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Hello there! My name is Jami and I want to encourage you in living intentionally for the Lord in your home. We discuss everything here: theology, cooking, baking, running your house in a joyful way, and so much more. Join us for more joy and peace and less stress and anxiety in your home!

Read more from Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

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