Stuck on a stress cycle? Let's break it with JOY! {Weekly Newsletter}

Finding Joy in Your Home

Hey Reader,

I wrote an IG post exactly 3 years ago today on July 31, 2021. The last 4 years have been so exhausting. But WHAT a good reminder that no matter what is going on in the world, life continues on and we can refuse to let it steal our joy within our homes 💕 Here's what I shared which is just as apt today:

Jason and I were recently discussing the destruction that younger generations are facing with social media.

The same pressure just wasn’t there when we were in highschool. Our big thing was MSN messenger and creating fake profiles to mess with our friends (anyone else do this?? 🙋‍♀️)

I honestly wouldn’t want to be a teenager in today’s social media world. So it has sparked many conversations about how we want to approach this with our kids (we’ve got a while to figure it out still 😅)

But as we were discussing it I said, “I mean, how hard is social media even for us adults? How much comparing do we do? And how hard is it to break the phone habit for us adults??”

Our phones can be a gigantic blessing (um...hello! It allows us to connect with thousands every month via the podcast and our community. So thankful for modern technology) but we need to learn to use them wisely.

The political news cycle is ramping up once again and social media this week has become STRESSFUL for me once again after a nice little break.

I’m recognizing for my own mental health and the ability to be a present and joyful mama that I need to put some social media restrictions on myself once again:

- Limiting social media time to just a few minutes checking in on those accounts that truly encourage me and point me back to Christ
- Unplugging from the news for a little while. I’m a huge advocate for being extremely aware of what’s happening in the world today. But sometimes mama needs a mental health break from all the evil and junk.
- Aaaaaand spending my internet time wisely and productively (for me that is going to be increasing off of instagram and more in my free community...cuz it’s 1000% better) 😅

Over on IG you can share some steps you are taking to protect your heart, mind, stress, and family right now! Come share!!

BIG NEWS! Our 20% off annual plan is extended for 3 more days!!

We heard from many of you this weekend about possibly extending our 20% off the annual plan to the Joyful Home App/Website. It's an investment and I know many of you are waiting until payday - so we decided to extend the 20% off the annual plan through Friday August 2nd 🥳

We've had so many new people join us last week and it's been a blast with all the new content going up on the app & website (you can access it via the iPhone, iPad, or Andriod apps OR just from any web browser). View a demo of the website here.

The Joyful Home experience is the greatest thing we've ever put together. It houses ALL of our past content: eBooks, audiobooks, conferences, courses, podcasts and more from dozens of different teachers. And moving forward, it will also house all of our exclusive NEW content (of which we have so many exciting things planned)!

When you sign up for the website/app, you get access to hundreds of resources all at your fingertips. Just this month we've published:

  • Anne of Green Gables Audiobook #1 (read by me)
  • The first 4 chapters of my brand new book A Christian's Guide to Natural Living Audiobook
  • A first cookbook: How to cook From Scratch
  • Crafting a Healthy Home Online Conference Videos
  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Audiobook
  • Refresh Your Routines Course
  • Encouragement For the Homeschool Mom Conference Videos
  • And many more things coming this month alone!!

Now is the best time to join us because you can get access for 20% off! You can sign up for either a monthly subscription or an annual and get 20% off either. Just use coupon code: JoyfulHome20 at checkout!!

You can find out more and sign up here! But hurry, the 20% off ENDS Friday, August 2nd!!

Count down to 2024-08-03T03:45:00.000Z

Newest Podcast Episodes!

We have had some really great podcast episodes and interviews over the past few weeks. Make sure you get caught up on all the new shows:

  • Should Christians care about being “natural?” – S3, E53 Listen in here
  • My Best Work at Home Tips – S3 E52 Listen in here
  • Creative ideas for getting out of a kitchen rut – S3, E51 Listen in here
  • How to write that book you've always dreamed of with Brian Dixon - S3, E50 Listen in here

Thanks for being part of this amazing community!!

in Christ,

Jami & Jason Balmet

PO Box 911 7310 STATE HIGHWAY 49, Lotus, ca 95651
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Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Hello there! My name is Jami and I want to encourage you in living intentionally for the Lord in your home. We discuss everything here: theology, cooking, baking, running your house in a joyful way, and so much more. Join us for more joy and peace and less stress and anxiety in your home!

Read more from Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, Thank you so much for everyone’s prayers this week! 🥰 It’s been one week since we welcomed baby #8 into our family. He was 6lbs9oz at birth and is already back up to birth weight! 🙌 Our sweet Radley Knox really hasn’t known a moment without being in someone’s arms since he was born! Between Jason and myself, Jason’s mom staying here with us, and 7 eager older siblings, there’s always someone in line who wants to hold him! He was...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, The final countdown is on. We will be welcoming baby #8 in just 3 days 😱 It's amazing that no matter how many times we do this, the final weeks and days are always the same. So excited to meet this new little one but also nervous for the actual birth! I am feeling SO completely ready and at the same time, not at all ready 😂 So I'm pushing aside the fear and nervousness of the c-section and instead focusing on my very long to do list...

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