Today's the last day to preorder and get FREE eBook & Audiobook!

Finding Joy in Your Home

Hey Reader,

What an exciting week it's been! Thank you to everyone who has already preordered one of our new upcoming books. These preorders help us out SO much more than you'll ever know.

We have FIVE new books for preorder and they have all been so much fun to write. Here's what you can snag. When you preorder by tonight, you'll also get the eBook AND the audiobook versions for FREE (which will be sent out long before the print versions are ready to go)!

You can hop over here to check out all the new releases!

If you order the books in print TODAY, you will also get the eBook and the Audiobook versions for FREE!

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Your Pocket Guide to Baptism by Jason Balmet

Jason's been dreaming of doing this theology series for a long time. He has about 10 books planned in the series so far, with the first two releasing this summer.

His goal with this series is to tackle hot button theological topics, like baptism and headcovering. But this series will be unique. He's not just telling you what we believe (although he will do that), he's going to over the topic from a high level overview so you can understand what the theological topic is all about and the different viewpoints!

If you want a sneak peek, here's the intro for the baptism book. You can really get a taste for what this series will be!

Few theological topics are more discussed and debated
than baptism. The majority of American Christians,
who make up Baptist denominations and most
nondenominational churches and organizations, look
askance at Presbyterians, and wonder why they insist
on preserving the Roman Catholic practice of infant
Similarly, Presbyterians and Lutherans look with
sadness at Baptists, wondering why they would
withhold such a meaningful sign from their children. A
lot of Christians, dare I suggest, most Christians, live
out their entire lives embracing the baptism tradition
they grew up with or were saved into. They don’t
know much about the alternative view, other than that
is strange and other and clearly must be wrong because
it just is.
This reality is seemingly harmless, but is it ideal?
I submit to you that believers should care much
more about this topic and spend the time to research it
more fully. (That is, after all, the entire point of this
little book).
Why do I say this? Aren’t there more important doctrines to study than baptism? It is, after all, a secondary issue, isn’t it?
Yes, it is a secondary issue, but that is not to say that
it is an unimportant one. Baptism is a significant
doctrine, one that can have a profound effect on our
worship, parenting, choice of church, and more. I think
I can safely say that spending some time digging into
the topic is well worth it. After all, baptism hits at the
very center of the Great Commission charge that Christ
left His disciples with in Matthew 28:18-20, and
represents the heart of our faith, the gospel.
I wrote this book with myself from several years ago
in mind. As I’ll share in the next chapter, I was once the
sort of person I’m talking about here: relatively
ignorant of the biblical arguments for the opposing
view to my own. My goal for this book is twofold: first,
to convince you that you should care more about
baptism, and second, that you should study it in more
depth than you ever have. If you come away from
reading this book, and perhaps a few of the other
books I recommend at the end, having deepened your
current baptism conviction, then I will be happy.
Likewise, if you do the study and realize by the end
that your conviction has changed, I will also be happy.
The purpose of this book is to help you deepen your
knowledge and understanding of the main views of
baptism. I hold to my own conviction, of course, and I
will include the reasons and arguments that have led
me to it. But my main goal isn’t to convince you that
I’m right. It’s to help you hold your own view more
confidently and with a deeper appreciation for the
doctrine of baptism.
I’ve laid this small book out in a pretty straightforward manner. First, I’ll summarize the doctrine of baptism and explain what it is and what all views agree with about it. Then, we’ll look to the Bible for the passages each view uses to build their
arguments supporting their view. Finally, I’ll conclude
by sharing my own view and the reasons why I
believe it is the correct one. I’ll also share a list of
recommended resources that I found useful as I
studied this topic in depth for the first time several
years ago.
Are you ready to get started? Let’s go!

We are in the middle of final edits and starting to record the audiobooks! The first book that will be finalized and sent out is The Christian's Guide to Natural Living. In fact, watch over the next few days I will be sending out the first 3 chapters of that book in audio form so you can get a jump start on listening 😍

Head over to grab your preorders today!

in Christ,
Jami & Jason Balmet

PO Box 911 7310 STATE HIGHWAY 49, Lotus, ca 95651
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Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

Hello there! My name is Jami and I want to encourage you in living intentionally for the Lord in your home. We discuss everything here: theology, cooking, baking, running your house in a joyful way, and so much more. Join us for more joy and peace and less stress and anxiety in your home!

Read more from Jami Balmet | Finding Joy in Your Home

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Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, The final countdown is on. We will be welcoming baby #8 in just 3 days 😱 It's amazing that no matter how many times we do this, the final weeks and days are always the same. So excited to meet this new little one but also nervous for the actual birth! I am feeling SO completely ready and at the same time, not at all ready 😂 So I'm pushing aside the fear and nervousness of the c-section and instead focusing on my very long to do list...

Finding Joy in Your Home Hey Reader, If you missed the news, our Fall Shop Opening is HERE!! We are releasing five new books, a brand new slow cooker cookbook, and a our Fall collection of dresses is here. The response to this fall shop opening has already been tremendous - thank you!! You guys are so excited for this brand new cookbook. But today I wanted to pop in and let you know a little bit more about our dresses in our fall collection. For a year now, we've been...